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“Yes, they are tough to read. But that’s the point: The project, called “Catcalls of NYC,” by Sophie Sandberg, a senior at New York University, documents on Instagram what New Yorkers are hearing on our streets and where.

Victims of street harassment send Instagram messages to Ms. Sandberg with the location of the catcalls and what was reportedly said, and she writes the comments at those same sites with brightly colored chalk.”

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“'No one questioned or challenged it. It was simply an accepted annoyance,' Sandberg said of street harassment. 'For me, it has always been more than an annoyance. It’s shaped my experience in public space. It’s affected my confidence and comfort walking down the street. It’s silenced me ― I’ve never felt comfortable responding to catcalls, as much as I’d like to tell these men off.'"

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"Since March 2016, Sophie Sandberg, a gender and sexuality junior at New York University, has been using vibrant sidewalk chalk to give a little more permanence to the catcalls and harassment people have had tossed at them around the city. She documents her work on an Instagram account, @catcallsofNYC, where she also asks people to DM her instances of street harassment, and where they took place, so she can document even more."

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"A young American woman is shining a spotlight on street harassment with her project, Catcalls of NYC.

21-year-old Sophie Sandberg asks her Instagram followers to send in messages about their experiences being sexually harassed on the street, detailing the exact location it took place and what was said.

Sandberg then goes to the spot in question, writes the catcall on the street in bright chalk, takes a picture and posts it on Instagram."

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"Although many of the statements included in the entries might be surprising to some, they are distressingly familiar to many. But no matter how familiar you might be with the kind of language and behavior Cat Calls Of New York documents, seeing it written down highlights how unbelievable it is that so many think it’s OK to say these things to complete strangers — and that so many seem to think that they’re even compliments."


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"Sandberg grew up in New York City and remembers experiencing street harassment when she was as young as 15. In an attempt to combat it, she began a project called "Catcalls of NYC." The accompanying Instagram asks followers to send messages about their own experiences with catcalling and to share where it took place. Sandberg then goes, bright chalk in hand, to where the harassment took place and writes the quote in large letters."

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"A YOUNG woman is striving shine a spotlight on the harassment that many people experience just by walking down the street each day.

The project “Catcalls of NYC” was started by 21-year-old Sophie Sandberg, who brings attention to the sexual comments that people have yelled at them by writing them on the sidewalk in colourful chalk.

Ms Sandberg is a student at New York University and said that growing up in the city she started to experience catcalling and sexual harassment when she was just 15 years old."

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"So far she has made 102 posts documenting the comments that people have made to them while walking down the street in New York City, with comments ranging from 'Hey baby' to 'Lift up your dress, show us that p***y.'

Sanberg said that catcalling has become an irritating but accepted part of daily life and she hopes her project will make people realize that it is an issue that needs to be addressed."

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"'Hey sexy', 'Bel c… mami', 'Posso venire a casa con te?'. Questi e tanti altri, anche molto più volgari, i commenti ricevuti tra i vicoli di New York City dalle donne. La 21enne Sophie Sandberg ha deciso di raccogliere le testimonianze di coloro che sono state vittime di molestie in strada e di trascriverle con gessetti colorati nei luoghi dove sono avvenuti i fatti. Il progetto si chiama Catcalls of New York City. L’obiettivo è quello di sensibilizzare l’opinione pubblica sul tema e di convincere i catcallers (molestatori) a pensarci due volte prima di molestare le donne in strada."


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"Ha trovato il modo di puntare i riflettori sulle molestie verbali che le donne subiscono ogni giorno per strada. La ventunenne Sophie Sandberg chiede alle sue follower di Instagram di raccontarle, con un messaggio, le loro esperienze di catcalls a New York, descrivendo in dettaglio la posizione esatta in cui sono avvenute e quello che è stato detto. Poi va in quel punto della città e, con il gesso, scrive sull’asfalto la molestia verbale, scatta una foto e la pubblica su Instagram. Il suo progetto si chiama «Catcalls of NYC» (guarda la gallery in alto)."


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"Street harassment can feel upsetting and alarming, and it often happens when no one else is around to hear it. This type of harassment happens all the time, and can even feel like just another part of everyday life. It sinks into the background. But when the words yelled at you on the street are written in bold colors on the sidewalk, they become a symbol of power, and that's exactly what NYU student Sophie Sandberg has been doing with Catcalls of NYC."

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"The 21-year-old says she's trying to raise awareness about sexual harassment in the city.

Women send her the unwanted comments said to them and then Sophie goes to the place where it happened and writes it out in big letters in chalk.

Sophie told Newsbeat she hopes her work will make people think twice about catcalling."

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"By revealing the language used to catcall women, I could get in peoples’ faces. I could provoke shock, disgust, confusion, anger. So many catcalls are hidden from the public: mumbled on deserted streets and whispered in the dark. I wanted to bring these words to light and reclaim the space. 'This is a spot where a woman was catcalled!' The chalk marks would be temporary, washed away in a few days. But the pictures on Instagram, @catcallsofnyc, would grow into a collection and become part of the greater movement to #stopstreetharassment. @catcallsofnyc would illustrate the catcall spectrum, including everything from supposed compliments, 'Hey, Beautiful,' to derogatory harassment, 'Ok, walk past me fucking ho.'"

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"'I hope that those who don't have to experience harassment on a daily basis will learn that this harassment exists — that it's damaging and pervasive,' Sandberg said. 'I want people to see the deeply rooted sexism or racism, or homophobia or transphobia … etc. that may be present in the comments. The language of these comments is telling. It's often exemplary to the type of harassment that happens in other spaces — the workplace etc. I hope people will understand that these words are more than 'just words,' they say a lot about the culture we live in.'"


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"Sophie Sandberg, a college student in New York, started a project to spread awareness around street harassment and it's quite badass! 'Catcalls Of NYC' is her Instagram handle and she requests her followers to send her their catcalling incidents, while also mentioning where exactly it happened. Once she receives the message, she goes to that particular location and hand-letters the exact quote the catcaller used."


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"Sophie Sandberg tiene 21 años y vive en Nueva York. La estudiante de la Universidad de Nueva York empezó a ser víctima de acoso callejero a los 15 años, por esa razón decidió tomar acción en el asunto y empezó a escribir con tiza en el suelo de la ciudad las cosas que le gritan."


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"I think that part of why it's blowing up right now is because people are really interested in the stories that have been silenced for some many years, and that's the reason I started it two years ago. It's always been something that has affected my friends and me and people who have dealt with harassment. But now people are realizing that there have been so many stories that've been silenced for so long and are interested in them."


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هی خوشگله یا هی سکسی."

پانزده سال داشتم و شنیدن چنین چیزی حس خوشایندی به من نداد. فکر می‌کردم "زیر نظر هستم و بدنم به خودم تعلق.


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het nieuws van de vooruitgang

"Een kunstproject in New York stelt het op straat lastigvallen van vrouwen aan de kaak. Dat schrijft de BBC. Het project is opgezet door de Amerikaanse studente Sophie Sandberg, die zelf regelmatig met seksuele intimidatie is geconfronteerd. Sandberg roept vrouwen op om haar zinnen te sturen die hen door mannen zijn nageroepen. Vervolgens maakt ze er een foto van en plaatst die op haar Instagram-account. Sandberg hoopt dat daders gaan nadenken over het effect van hun opmerkingen."

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"'Hola, hermosa' es una frase simple, parece un cumplido. Pero si quien la expresa es un hombre completamente extraño, ya no suena tan inocente. Y si el hombre se la dice a una chica en una calle solitaria a las 2 de la mañana, el instinto de supervivencia de la chica prenderá todas las alarmas. Esas fueron las primeras palabras que Sophie Sandberg, una estudiante de la Universidad de Nueva York, plasmó sobre las calles de su ciudad para evidenciar un problema que a diario enfrentan las mujeres allí."


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המיניות צעד אחד קדימה – אל רחובות הערים. המחאה, שצוברת תאוצה באינסטגרם תחת ההאשטג catcallsofnyc, שמה לעצמה למטרה לעצור את הקריאות הסקסיסטיות של גברים לנשים שהולכות ברחוב.


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"Egal, was der Grund ist, es ist höchste Zeit, etwas dagegen zu tun! Das meint offenbar auch die Studentin Sophie Sandberg. Bei Instagram erregt die 21-jährige Studentin derzeit Aufsehen mit ihrem Account @catcallsofnyc. Darauf postet sie Anmachsprüche, die Frauen in New York über sich ergehen lassen mussten."


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"Шарени надписи с тебешири по улиците на Ню Йорк привличат вниманието. Защото жизнерадостните цветове всъщност казват нещо, което се случва ежедневно на жените, които се опитват да стигнат до университета, работа или на среща с приятели. "

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"Naisen elo ei ole helppoa, sen pitäisi jokaisen #metoo-kuohuntaa seuranneen jo tietää. Tunnettujen hahmojen paljastuminen sarja-ahdistelijoiksi on saanut monet viimein ymmärtämään, kuinka valitettavan arkipäiväinen ilmiö seksuaalinen häirintä oikeasti on.

Samaan pyrkii myös catcallsofnyc-niminen Instagram-tili. 21-vuotiaan Sophie Sandbergin ideoima sometaideprojekti havainnollistaa, kuinka tavallista kaduilla tapahtuva seksuaalinen häirintä on."


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